the site i previously was keeping my yearly list of books i read is down, so i'm moving these here.
favorite / (comic/zine)

  1. the man who folded himself
  2. (youth liberation now, vol 2)
  3. (links)
  4. hamlet
  5. (cherry magic)
  6. (five kings)
  7. stranger in a strange land
  8. the forever war
  9. (youth liberation now, vol 3)
  10. a book of tongues
  11. abolishing education and liberating creation
  12. (against education: for the abolition of schools)
  13. ddgasayogs
  14. dragon wing
  15. (i disagiati)
  16. (the princess and the grilled cheese sandwhich)
  17. antinous: a poem
  18. ydhtbstbtvbih
  19. 31 days of charlotte mason
  20. (natsu e no tobira)
  21. (thomas no shinzou)
  22. travellers along the way
  23. five kings, vol 1
  24. a new handwriting for teachers
  25. home education
  26. (byoe and nemu)
  27. (oglaf)
  28. parent's review, vol 1
  29. magic's pawn
  30. judas iscariot and others
  31. magic's promise
  32. (dungeon meshi)
  33. magic's price
  34. afrofuturism
  35. (school-stoppers textbook)
  36. (socrates in love)
  37. same sex unions in premodern europe
  38. inaeajwiafaktw
  39. ghost town
  40. victory city
  41. itcocdhsswc
  42. tntokaaropr
  43. the steel remains
  44. the witches of darkmoore
  45. (my name is nero)
  46. (dykes to watch out for)
  47. (homestuck act 1)
  48. (homestuck act 2)
  49. (homestuck act 3)
  50. (homestuck act 4)
  51. luck in the shadows
  52. (hits)
  53. (mw)
  54. hyperion
  55. the creative act
  56. btanhmpltyfaae
  57. escape from childhood
  58. john dies at the end
  59. (requiem of the rose king)
  60. the meaning of proofs
  61. (killer crush)
  62. a strange and stubborn endurance
  63. (boy meets maria)
  64. voices of hope
  65. patriarch's hope
  66. (paper planes)
  67. (how i attended an all-guy's mixer)
  68. a rose for emily + as i lay dying
  69. children of hope
  70. the old testament
  71. the emperor jones, homecoming
  72. mr midshipman hornblower
  73. animal farm
  74. the human dawn
  75. lieutenant hornblower
  76. the age of god-kings
  77. the new testament
  78. ender's shadow
  79. bio of a space tyrant: politician
  80. chicken soup for the teenage soul 2
  81. goblin mode
  82. star trek 7
  83. knight: an unofficial medieval manual
  84. syllabus
  85. (the fenland story)
  86. a witch's grimoire of ancient omens, portents, talismans, amulets, and charms
  87. herbs and herb lore of colonial america
  88. out of the ruins
  89. troilus and cressida
  90. anarchy: a graphic guide
  91. legend of the galactic heroes, vol 1
  92. the american frugal housewife
  93. (sparks, vol 1)
  94. children of dune
  95. free at last: the sudbury valley school
  96. on basilisk station
  97. legend of the galactic heroes, vol 2
  98. all's well that ends well
  99. marcus aurelius' meditations
  100. midshipman's hope
  101. the guidance manual for the christian home school
  102. the three body problem
  103. gascoyne
  104. foxhole triangulations
  105. rosencrantz & guildenstern are dead
  106. hamlet's father
  107. the well-trained mind
  108. trans liberation
  109. (stray dog)
  110. (demons of shanghai)
  111. starship troopers
  112. the public journal, issue 1
  113. (abina and the important men)
  114. book of longing
  115. takarazuka
  116. the sound and the fury
  117. (wake)
  118. de spirituali amicitia
  119. nothing without labor
  120. (undesirables)
  121. the housewife's handbook of sleective promiscuity
  122. antipathy
  123. friends and brothers
  124. (doom towns)
  125. (feast for a king)
  126. (the best we could do)
  127. soldiers' pay
  128. challenger's hope
  129. (smells like green spirit)
  130. the epic of gilgamesh
  131. the junior republic
  132. god and my father
  133. i'm like a pdf but a girl
  134. flags in the dust
  135. historical sketch of the village of freeville
  136. death by melancholy
  137. speaker for the dead
  138. (hits)
  139. alvord baker oral history
  140. oedipus rex
  141. the william r. george + george junior republic papers
  142. everyone is a girl, issue 1
  143. prison's hope
  144. states of childhood
  145. (dawn of the dragon)
  146. the george junior republic and the varieties of progressive reform
  147. fisherman's hope
  148. what is military history?
  149. gay men in modern southern literature
  150. adult minor
  151. the well-educated mind
  152. a matter for men
  153. life in an old new england country village
  154. (never understand)
  155. (starfighters)
  156. farm boys
  157. voices of hope
  158. spin
  159. read chinese, book 2
  1. taroko gorge
  2. the last wish
  3. the little friend
  4. a bond undone
  5. the foreigner
  6. language in danger
  7. running mother + other stories
  8. twelfth night
  9. plunkitt of tammany hall
  10. babel: an arcane history
  11. tomorrow + tomorrow + tomorrow
  12. the scarlet letter
  13. how languages work
  14. ghost month
  15. wild kids
  16. writing without teachers
  17. the elements of style
  18. psychamok
  19. the vampire lestat
  20. the wretched of the earth
  21. (the complete persepolis)
  22. game theory
  23. the tragedy of julius caesar
  24. ethan frome
  25. persephone station
  26. the lathe of heaven
  27. tundras, travelers, and other travesties
  28. the calcutta chromosome
  29. ursula k le guin: conversations on writing
  30. (vagabond
  31. (berserk)
  32. the great gatsby
  33. worlds of modern chinese fiction
  34. barron's ap human geography
  35. barron's ap united states history
  36. (xian chan nu)
  37. the teenage liberation handbook
  38. (anarchy and polyamory)
  39. (stolen sharpie revolution)
  40. to kill a mockingbird
  41. frankenstein
  42. the queen of the damned
  43. (anarchist jesus)
  44. (you're already dead)
  45. the wave in the mind
  46. (green anarchism: toolbox)
  47. deschooling our lives
  48. (witches, midwives, and nurses)
  49. a way to victory
  50. the catcher in the rye
  51. the sparrow
  52. (five rings)
  53. (ghost in the chess machine)
  54. the new diary
  55. the tale of the body thief
  56. (squire)
  57. ai no kusabi, vol 1
  58. ai no kusabi, vol 2
  59. ai no kusabi, vol 3
  60. (enemies)
  61. ai no kusabi, vol 4
  62. (devilman)
  63. desert solitaire
  64. captive prince
  65. ai no kusabi, vol 5
  66. everywhere all the time
  67. (jesus)
  68. children of god
  69. three kingdoms
  70. unlearning to draw
  71. point character drawing, 1
  72. prince's gambit
  73. dune
  74. the still
  75. dune: messiah
  76. the king
  77. (her shim-cheong)
  78. another kind
  79. summerhill
  80. (they called us enemy)
  81. (barbarites)
  82. homeschooling for excellence
  83. king's rising
  84. (squished)
  85. (the summer hikaru died)
  86. i hate you
  87. (vampire knight)
  88. (MADK)
  89. (kiota watsukoi)
  90. the devil memnoch
  91. (blue period)
  92. (when a man loves a man)
  93. american psycho
  94. (golden kamuy)
  95. (kaze to ki no uta)
  96. (banana fish)
  97. the still
  98. (return of the blossoming blade)
  99. (my son is probably gay)
  100. (scott pilgrim)
  101. (lost at sea)
  102. (alexandros)
  103. (little witch atelier)
  104. d&d player's handbook
  105. d&d dungeon master's guide
  106. the king
  107. midshipman's hope
  108. challenger's hope
  109. (unapologetic: journal of irresponsible gender)
  110. prisoner's hope
  111. 100 ways to disappear
  112. inferno
  113. ender's game
  114. purgatorio
  115. settler sexuality
  116. mapping the heavens
  117. 300,000 kisses
  118. paradiso
  119. fisherman's hope
  120. since my last confession
  121. (youth liberation now, vol 1)
  1. mo dao zu shi
  2. anyway the wind blows
  3. leviathan wakes
  4. iluminae
  5. tian guan ci fu
  6. caliban's war
  7. abbadon's gate
  8. the siren's of mars
  9. (verdant hopes)
  10. atomic habits
  11. one small step can change your life
  12. what i talk about when i talk about running
  13. the song of achilles
  14. iron widow
  15. cibola burn
  16. frankenstein
  17. grendel
  18. night
  19. tastes like war
  20. nemesis games
  21. train to pakistan
  22. the memory librarian
  23. shadow lines
  24. rocannon's world
  25. planet of exile
  26. city of illusion
  27. left hand of darkness
  28. the dispossessed
  29. hainish stories
  30. the unquiet ghost
  31. babylon's ashes
  32. lord of the flies
  33. botany in the field
  34. anarchism
  35. the lives of others
  36. the low land
  37. the ultimate guide to homeschooling
  38. (beastars)
  39. always coming home
  40. anarchism + other essays
  41. persepolis rising
  42. (avialae)
  43. bakunin: the creative passion
  44. a soldier's story: revolutionary writings of a new afrikaan anarchist
  45. tablet & pen: literary landscapes from the middle east
  46. the circle of reason
  47. moon of crusted snow
  48. the modern school movement
  49. freshwater
  50. zachart ying and the dragon emperor
  51. we do this 'til we free
  52. gifts
  53. mutual aid
  54. the shoemaker and the tea party
  55. the prisoner
  56. the still
  57. the king
  58. timat's wrath
  59. freedom is a constant struggle
  60. leviathan falls
  61. dreaming in chinese
  62. the catcher and the rye
  63. manga in theory + practice
  64. at dusk
  65. daily rituals
  66. memory's legion
  67. lieutenant nun
  68. (my senpai is annoying)
  69. (chainsaw man)
  70. (fire punch)
  71. voices
  72. the poppy war
  73. the grapes of wrath
  74. klara and the sun
  75. strange beasts of china
  76. the prince
  77. supernova era
  78. of mice and men
  79. empire of the vampire
  80. hua hu ching
  81. aurora rising
  82. tao te ching
  83. the sunbearer trials
  84. the dragon republic
  85. beginner's guide to community based art
  86. a hero born
  87. tai chi chuan and meditation
  88. powers
  89. the burning god
  90. the secret history
  91. taoism
  92. the diaries
  93. ruinsong
  94. buddha in your backpack
  95. the metamorphosis
  96. death of a salesman
  97. interview with the vampire
  98. in an antique land
  99. the strange case of dr jekyll and mr hyde and other stories