In the late 22nd century, mankind has reached the stars. Earth is governed by the United Nations under the Reunified Church, while an ever expanding system of colonies reaches out into the galaxy. Nicholas Seafort, a seventeen-year old midshipman of the UNNS, sets off on his first interstellar cruise on the UNS Hibernia.
Throughout the seven books of this series, published between 1994 and 2001 by the author David Feintuch, Seafort grows from an inexperienced boy to a grizzled old man who has lost nearly everyone he loves and everything he has ever treasured. Described as "Hornblower in space," the series builds off the Napoleonic navy fiction tradition into a lovely space opera that comments on the nature of God, the connection between the Church and State, and the meaning of family. The series, originally published in English, was later translated into Spanish, German, Czech, Russian, and Japanese, the latter of which allowed it to develop a small but dedicated fanbase in Japan for some time.
Though I will try my best to be objective when possible, my adoration for this series is fairly obvious. After reading Feintuch's fantasy series (the Rodrigo of Caledon Saga, my thoughts on which will come to this site sometime in the future) three times between 2022 and 2023, I finally got my hands on the e-book version of Seafort in December, 2023. Anyone who has met me since can attest to my penchant for bringing up the series whenever humanly possible.
This page will contain summaries and reviews of each book, information on each of the characters, spaceships, and other parts of the Seafort universe, as well as links to and discussions about Western and Japanese fancontent from the late 90s and early 2000s. Along with these earlier fanworks, I hope to include my own fanart and essays on various Seafort related topics that interest me. As of now, I have yet to complete any of the above. I will update this page as I work, so please check back soon.
— Children of Hope, pg 488