a combination of three booklists, organized in roughly chronological order that i plan to at least try and work through.
1. from a well trained mind's great books list
> from a well trained mind's science books list
* from my own list

1. bible: gensis--book of job
2. epic of gilgamesh
3. homer, iliad and odyssey
4. sophocles, oedipus the king
5. aeschylus, agammemnon
6. herodotus, the histories
7. euripides, medea
> hippocrates, aphorisms
8. artistophanes, the birds
9. thucydides, the history of the peloponnesian war
> euclid, elements of geometry
> aristotle, physics
10. plato, the republic
11. aristotle, on poetics
12. aristotle, rhetoric
> theophrasteus, on the history of plants
> archimides, on the sphere and the cylinder
* the analects
* the bhagivad gita
13. bible: daniel
> lucretius, de rerum natura
14. horace, odes
15. lucretius, on the nature of things
> pliny the elder, natural history
16. cicero, de republica
17. virgil, aeneid
18. ovid, metamorphoses
19. bible: corinthains 1 and 2
20. plutarch, the lives of the noble greeks and romans
21. tacitus, annals
22. athanasius, on the incarnation
23. augustine, confessions
24. augustine, city of god (book 8)
* the art of war
25. boethius, the consolation of philosophy
26. the qu'ran
27. bede, the ecclesiastical history of the english people
28. beowulf
* the tale of genji
* shahnameh
29. mabinogion
30. anselm, cur deus homo
* the epic of sundiata
31. goodwin, aquinas: selected writings
* summa theologica
32. dante, the inferno
33. everyman
* romance of the three kingdoms
34. sir gawain and the green knight
35. chaucer, the canterbury tales
36. kempe, the book of margery kempe
37. malory, le morte d'arthur
38. arasmus, education of a christian prince
39. machiavelli, the prince
40. thomas more, utopia
41. luther, commentary on galations
42. calvin, institutes of the christian religion
> vesalius, de humani corporis fabrica
> copernicus, on the revolutions of the heavenly spheres
43. marlowe, faustus
44. the life of saint theresa of avila by herself
45. spenser, the faerie queene
46. shakespeare, julius caesar/hamlet/others
47. don quixote
48. bible: psalms (king james)
> kepler, harmonies of the world
> bacon, novum organum
> harvery, de motu cordis
> galilei, dialogues concerning the two chief world systems
49. donne, divine meditations
* descartes, discourse on the method
50. descartes, meditations
51. milton, paradise lost
* leviathan
> boyle, the sceptical chymist
52. moliere, tartuffe
53. pascal, pensees
54. bunyan, the pilgrim's progress
> newton, principia mathematica
55. locke, an essay concerning human understanding/on the true end of civil government
56. swift, gulliver's travels
57. rousseau, the social contract
58. burke, on american taxation
59. the declaration of independence
60. paine, common sense
61. kant, critique of pure reason
62. the federalist papers
63. constitution of the united states
64. blake, songs of innocence and experience
> lavoisier, elements of chemistry
65. franklin, the autobiography
66. paine, the rights of man
67. wollstonecraft, a vindication of the rights of women
68. wordsworth and coleridge, lyrical ballads
69. austen, pride and prejudice
70. frankenstein
71. keats, ode to a nightingale/others
72. cooper, the last of the mohicans
73. tennyson, the lady of shalott/others
74. dickens, oliver twist
75. poe, the fall of the house of usher/others
76. emerson, self-reliance
77. bronte, jane eyre
78. hawthorne, the scarlet letter
79. melville, moby-dick
80. dickinson, final harvest
81. tocqueville, democracy in america
82. marx and engels, communist manifesto
83. stowe, uncle tom's cabin
84. thoreau, walden
85. whitman, leaves of grass
86. dostoyevsky, crime and punishment
87. darwin, on the origin of the species
88. dickens, great expectations
89. jacobs, incidents in the life of a slave girl, written by herself
90. lincoln, gettysburg address
> mendel, experiments with plant hybrids
* notes from the underground
91. tolstoy, anna karenina
92. hardy, the return of the native
93. ibsen, a doll's house
94. douglass, the life and times of frederick douglass
95. nietzsche, thus spake zarathustra
96. twain, huckleberry finn
97. yeats, selected poems
98. crane, the red badge of courage
99. wilde, the importance of being earnest
100. freud, the interpretation of dreams
101. washinton, up from slavery
102. conrad, heart of darkness
103. dubois, the souls of black folk
104. wharton, the house of mirth
105. chesterton, the innocence of father brown
> einstein, relativity: the special and general theories
106. wilfrid owen, selected poems
107. strachey, queen victoria
108. frost, a poem with notes and grace notes
109. kafka, the trial
110. fitzgerald, the great gatsby
111. eliot, murder in the cathedral
112. hurston, their eyes were watching god
113. orwell, the road to wigan pier
114. wilder, our town
115. steinbeck, the grapes of wrath
116. hitler, mein kampf
> schrodinger, what is life?
* the stranger
117. orwell, animal farm
118. williams, a streetcar named desire
119. ellison, invisible man
120. lewis, mere christianity
121. miller, the crucible
123. bellow, seize the day
> nagel and newman, godel's proof
124. bolt, a man for all seasons
> heisenberg, physics and philosophy
> carson, silent spring
125. mlk jr., why we can't wait
> gamow, thirty years that shook physics: the story of quantum physics
126. stoppard, rosencrantz and guilderstern are dead
> watson, the double helix
127. solezhenitsyn, the gulag archipelago
> wison, sociobiology
> dawkins, the selfish gene
> gould, ever since darwin
> hofstadter, godel, escher, bach
> fenymann, qed: the strange theory of light of matter
> gleick, chaos: making a new science
128. morrison, beloved
> hawking, a brief history of time
> davies, the new physics
129. larkin, collected poems
130. wiesel, all rivers run to the sea: memoirs
> behe, darwin's black box
> dyson, origins of life